+1 (208) 567 0707

Quality Services

Alermak, which realizes 100% domestic production, is a company that successfully carries its ethic of sustainable future in the same seat with a discipline that will not compromise its understanding of service quality.

Better Together

Since absolute customer satisfaction comes by itself with quality service, “Quality Services” will always be a sine qua non of our ethical standards.

Fast problem solving

As Alermak, we take four steps to solve your problems, as we named “Right”

We identified the problem right.

It is very important to correctly identify the main reasons why an operation or service is not working. Problem-solving projects are all about making team members feel comfortable and making a difference. That doesn’t mean employee, product, or organizational safety isn’t important. Accurate identification provides financial strength by eliminating unnecessary costs and waste in a process.

We are with the right people.

Our problem-solving team keeps other teams in touch with reality. Engineers, scientists, quality professionals, and others who know what’s behind a process provide technical input.

We follow the right process.

This process must be systematic. We work to ensure that everything is data-driven. We redesign the process to eliminate (or at least reduce) the root causes, and we can quickly implement the maintenance and measurement steps of the new process by applying the redesigned process. We must remember that these steps must always be data-driven.

We demand the right results.

Problem-solving teams must be guided by performance improvement goals. These four tips for effective problem solving are essential to the success of any continuous improvement project. Solving the problem the right way will result in improved performance that can be expressed in financial and quality terms.

Quick tips for production

At Alermak, we share with you the key points of our fast production performance:

We avoid inefficient work processes.

We achieve more productive factory performance by optimizing the production process and factory throughput.

We create clean and tidy facilities and make them sustainable.

A pleasant working environment is essential to our productivity, and it is very important that the factory is clean and tidy. Working in such an environment will always be easier than when there is chaos and disorder. We also make sure that employees have enough space to move around and avoid accidents.

We use automatic production lines.

Automation is the industrial revolution of our time, so investing in automatic production lines is synonymous with success. Not only do we have excellent industrial production, but we also save costs because the products are perfectly protected and not damaged.

We use the right machines.

As Alermak, we pay attention to the use of quality machines. From experience, we know that this is the best way to avoid unforeseen events that not everyone takes into account, such as breakdowns that cause downtime and thus delays in production.

We know how important equipment maintenance is.

Investments are meaningless without proper maintenance. We minimize the risk of breakdown when machines are maintained and inspected. We must not forget that this can have a dramatic impact on the efficiency of the plant, as products are defective or production has to be stopped until the problem is solved.

We analyze and plan.

Being aware of the company’s situation (analysis) is as important as being prepared for production needs (planning). These two concepts go hand in hand when we talk about increasing productivity. In our production facility, we need to know what resources we have in terms of people and machines and what work output we can produce. This way, we can set realistic and measurable goals.

We believe in a motivated workforce.

A happy team is more productive than a team without a good atmosphere. For this reason, we at Alermak place great value on our employees. We offer them training or opportunities to grow and advance within the company, and we look for the best ways to motivate them and avoid churn. We know the strengths of each employee and achieve success by assigning them tasks according to their skills.
