+1 (208) 567 0707


Railroad Equipment and Maintenance

Alermak is dedicated to the customization and manufacture of special tools and equipment for railroad equipment and maintenance, adapted to the needs of our customers.

Projects and equipment with which we have experience

  • Mini locomotives, roller carriers,
  • catenary trucks, catenary wagons, trolley cars,
  • Qatari cable cars,
  • railroad rescue vehicles,
  • Rail-mounted cranes, rail-mounted platforms,
  • Gauges, pantographs, business cars,
  • Railroad traction systems, railroad differentials, railroad 4×4 units,
  • Bogie test tables, wheel aligners, bogie turntables, train jacks (jack),
  • Pantograph test tables, 4×4 vehicles, horizontal boring machines, bogie washing machines, tunnel washing vehicles.

Our team makes a difference by offering solutions that are the result of collaboration between the different equipment and systems that make up the tools. The repair of all types of railroad systems is carried out in close collaboration with the electrical, electronic, programming, mechanical, hydraulic, machining, control, and testing technologies.

The use of trains for passenger transportation is now one of the most viable options for mass mobility in large urban centers. All over the world, we can find transport systems and mobility concepts that work and are implemented thanks to rail networks that allow not only passenger but also freight transport at high speed.

See the 8 countries with the longest railroad lines

There are 8 countries with the longest railroads in the world, which we will list here one by one.

United States of America

This developed country has at least 250,000 kilometers of railroads, 80% of which are used for freight and the rest for passenger transport. The network is completely privately managed and has high-speed trains.


China has more than 100,000 kilometers of track, of which 10,000 kilometers are high-speed lines and 90,000 kilometers are conventional lines. China has the largest high-speed rail network in the world, which goes hand in hand with its large population.


It has 85,500 km of the rail network and is managed by a state enterprise. Most have 12 trunk lines with direct connections to European or Asian systems, such as North Korea, Germany, France, Finland, Poland, China, and Mongolia.


With a length of over 65,000 kilometers, it is the fourth-longest line. It is divided into 17 zones and has a capacity of more than 19,000 trains per day, including 12,000 passenger trains.


The country has 48,000 kilometers of railroads, of which 12,500 kilometers is intercity. Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver have mass transit systems.


The network is 41,000 kilometers long and almost entirely state-owned. It carries 80% of freight traffic and 99% of long-distance passenger traffic. In addition, the main cities are Austria, France, etc. In addition, high-speed trains run at speeds of up to 320 kilometers per hour, connecting the country with neighboring countries such as Australia. The country has 40,000 kilometers of railroad lines, and most of the infrastructure is publicly owned.


With more than 36,000 kilometers, Argentina ranks eighth in the world.

What about Turkey?

The history of railroads in our country began on September 23, 1856, with the concession of the 130-kilometer İzmir-Aydın railroad line. Today, it serves the Turkish people over a distance of thousands of kilometers.

The length of railroad lines in Turkey is increasing every year. According to statistics published by the State Railway Company of the Republic of Turkey (TCDD), the length of the main railroad line, which was 8,452 km in 1994, increased to 12,740 km in 2018.

The length of high-speed trains (TCDD) was 397 km in 2009. The length of the TCDD line, which increased to 888 km between 2010 and 2013, was reported to be 1,213 km in 2014 and 2018.

Since 2009, about 45 million people have traveled on the TCDD.

In which city is the longest railroad line located?

Statistics published by TCDD also indicate the length of railroad lines in each province for which data are available. In first place is Ankara with a railroad length of 823 kilometers. It is followed by Konya with 688 km, Eskişehir with 622 km, and Sivas with 618 km.

The age distribution of railroads in Turkey is as follows.

  • 0-10 years – 79%.
  • 11-20 – 11%
  • 21-30 – 5%
  • 31 years and older – 5%.