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The Defense Industry and Armored Vehicles

The defense industry is a strategic sector because a country’s defense capability depends to some extent on the products and services it provides. However, it also has an economic and technological side.

Basic Market Conditions

The defense industry is characterized by its innovativeness. The products (and services) offered by companies often represent significant improvements over existing products. As in other sectors, the global defense industry has incorporated rapid technological change into its weapons systems. For this reason, Alermak devotes a large portion of its resources to research, development, and innovation. As Alermak, we put all our energy and productivity into the concept, design, development, integration, testing, and evaluation of a system.

What could be the future trends in the defense industry?

Since the end of the Cold War, the global strategic situation has changed significantly. The balance of power in the world has shifted from one continent to another. Previously unknown weaknesses and strengths have been identified, some leaders have been strengthened, others weakened. Strategic actors have emerged seeking to modulate the world outside of nation-states; in short, traditional worldviews and classical visions have been turned on their heads. The map has turned from one ocean to another.

These shifts can be geostrategic, geostrategic, geo-economics, political, and so on. They also affect previous notions of international security. In this sense, there has been a shift from overt battlefield conflict to more sophisticated conflict, where hybrid strategies, gray areas, and “low” intensity conflict take precedence over other classic forms of conflict.

Of course, the defense industry has not been spared these changes and must work with other sectors. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, a new era in recent world history has dawned. However, there is a situation in the defense market that is upsetting many visions, strategies, agreements, and, in general, the positions of countries and companies. As Alermak, our goal is to observe these changes as a national and local company and to strengthen our country by producing new technologies, taking the necessary positions.

Future Trends

A brief look at the evolution of the global defense industry allows us to make concrete assessments of the trends we are currently seeing and those that are emerging. The point is not to predict what the defense industry will look like in ten years, but rather to highlight some of the paths the industry is likely to take, according to the analysis.

The national dimension of the defense industry will be maintained over time for several reasons, most notably strategic autonomy. Of course, it must be emphasized that this autonomy must be limited and multifaceted (technology, procurement, etc.) and require a clear definition of priority objectives depending on the level of national security to be achieved. The industrial impact of this aspect rests on at least three pillars:

  • The allocation of resources aims at procuring appropriate systems at reasonable prices for the scenarios envisaged in national defense,
  • R&D efforts to develop new technologies that allow some independence from foreign third-party suppliers, and
  • Directing efforts toward national enterprises that support job creation and other direct, indirect, and induced effects.

Alermak Armored Vehicles

Alermak is an innovative company that continuously invests in research and development, composite materials, and efficient integrated design solutions for the production of armored vehicles. Our action plan is to further develop our existing technologies and apply them within modern armored vehicle concepts and solutions for security organizations. The main objectives of our research and development team are quality, safety, and security.

Our R&D team develops and designs a wide range of armored vehicles. Our highly skilled professionals focus on producing high-quality armored vehicles, constantly looking for ways to improve production efficiency, vehicle comfort, reliability, and cost.
